Medical Expense Tax Credit (Updated 2023)
Your employees may not be aware that premiums and out-of-pocket expenses related to your group health, vision and dental plans may give rise to...
Read moreMid-period adjustment for RAMQ prescription drug plan
The rates in effect for the public drug insurance plan are normally adjusted annually on July 1st. Last July, given the difficult context brought...
Read moreRAMQ limits it’s premium increase in light of the pandemic
Quebec residents who are not insured by a private plan for prescription drugs are required to participate in RAMQ’s public prescription drug insurance plan....
Read more2019 Changes to RAMQ prescription drug plan contribution
Quebec residents who are not insured for prescription drugs are required to participate in RAMQ’s public prescription drug insurance plan. Approximately 3.6 million Quebecers...
Read moreRAMQ decreases the contribution to its universal drug plan
In Quebec, prescription drug insurance is mandatory. Residents that do not have this type of group insurance coverage through an employer, union, association or...
Read moreVRSP: Have you missed the deadline?
When the Quebec Minister of Finance first announced its intention to create the Voluntary Retirement Savings Plan (VRSP) in 2012, there was a lot...
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